Traducciones recomendadas


# Título Traducción Páginas vistas (6m)
1 Who's Who in a Pirate Crew Translate 36,521
2 Songhai Empire Translate 33,205
3 Zhou Dynasty Translate 26,650
4 Education in the Elizabethan Era Translate 24,192
5 Qin Dynasty Translate 21,813
6 American Invasion of Quebec Translate 20,705
7 Han Dynasty Translate 20,539
8 Circus Maximus Translate 19,932
9 Nicodemus Translate 19,150
10 Ten Native American Legendary Creatures You Need to Know Translate 17,988
11 Shang Dynasty Translate 17,948
12 Roman Armor & Weapons Translate 17,820
13 Battle of Kings Mountain Translate 17,493
14 Ten North American Native Facts You Need To Know Translate 17,342
15 Ancient Chinese Architecture Translate 16,492
16 Battle of Guilford Court House Translate 16,243
17 Song Dynasty Translate 15,415
18 The Temple in Jerusalem Translate 14,375
19 Warring States Period Translate 14,348
20 Benedict Arnold Translate 14,300
21 Ancient Chinese Warfare Translate 14,291
22 Menes Translate 14,089
23 Mauryan Empire Translate 13,792
24 Dutch East India Company Translate 13,326
25 Capture of Fort Ticonderoga Translate 13,290
26 Roman Mosaics Translate 13,090
27 The Armour of an English Medieval Knight Translate 12,935
28 Kingdom of Axum Translate 12,788
29 Red Cloud Translate 12,746
30 Xia Dynasty Translate 12,497
31 Rashidun Caliphate Translate 12,355
32 Inanna's Descent: A Sumerian Tale of Injustice Translate 12,287
33 Umayyad Dynasty Translate 12,074
34 Khmer Empire Translate 11,971
35 Pirate Weapons in the Golden Age of Piracy Translate 11,941
36 Athena Parthenos by Phidias Translate 11,936
37 Bjorn Ironside Translate 11,935
38 Battle of Waxhaws Translate 11,761
39 Mahabalipuram Translate 11,646
40 Sun-Tzu Translate 11,640
41 Toilets in a Medieval Castle Translate 11,427
42 Sword Beach Translate 11,348
43 The Gold Trade of Ancient & Medieval West Africa Translate 11,256
44 Greek Theatre Architecture Translate 11,185
45 Battle of Long Island Translate 11,015
46 The Weapons of an English Medieval Knight Translate 10,940
47 Gupta Architecture Translate 10,866
48 6 Key Instruments of the Scientific Revolution Translate 10,720
49 The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China Translate 10,685
50 Athletics, Leisure, and Entertainment in Ancient Rome Translate 10,650
51 Estates-General of 1789 Translate 10,602
52 Martin Luther's 95 Theses Translate 10,446
53 Shi Huangdi Translate 10,410
54 William Tyndale Translate 10,333
55 Indian Princely States Translate 10,294
56 The Negative Confession Translate 10,274
57 Zheng Yi Sao Translate 10,256
58 Luther's Speech at the Diet of Worms Translate 10,207
59 The Maccabean Revolt Translate 10,198
60 Chandragupta Maurya Translate 10,177
61 Heian Period Translate 10,098
62 An A to Z of Pirate & Seafaring Expressions Translate 10,094
63 Trireme Translate 10,050
64 The Stained Glass Windows of Chartres Cathedral Translate 10,012
65 Umar Translate 10,008
66 Fashion & Dress in Ancient Mesopotamia Translate 9,950
67 Egyptian Obelisk Translate 9,858
68 Omaha Beach Translate 9,801
69 St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre Translate 9,800
70 The Myth of Adapa Translate 9,792