Search Results: Anthropology social sciences nonfiction books


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Index of Prohibited Books
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Index of Prohibited Books

The Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) was a list of written works condemned as heretical or injurious to the Christian faith by the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent in 1563. It remained in effect until 1966 when...
Social Contract
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Social Contract

The social contract is an idea in philosophy that at some real or hypothetical point in the past, humans left the state of nature to join together and form societies by mutually agreeing which rights they would enjoy and how they would be...
12 Best Historical Fiction Books to Read
Article by Kim Martins

12 Best Historical Fiction Books to Read

The AHE team live and breathe history, but we all have our favourite historical periods and authors. We thought it would be fun for each of us to nominate one or two books that we would recommend for the general reader as well as high school...
Social War
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Social War

The Social War (also called the Marsi War or the War of the Allies) of 91-87 BCE was the result of decades of contention between Rome and its Italian allies. Roman warfare relied heavily on the Italian allies (socii), but the Roman Republic...
Hercules and Alcestis: Personal Excellence & Social Duty
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Hercules and Alcestis: Personal Excellence & Social Duty

For the ancient Greeks, the quality of arete (personal excellence) and the concept of eusebia (social duty) were most important. Aristotle discusses both of these at length in his Nichomachean Ethics and relates arete to eudaimonia - translated...
Social Structure in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Social Structure in Ancient Egypt

The society of ancient Egypt was strictly divided into a hierarchy with the king at the top and then his vizier, the members of his court, priests and scribes, regional governors (eventually called 'nomarchs'), the generals of the military...
Social Change in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Social Change in the British Industrial Revolution

The British Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) witnessed a great number of technical innovations, such as steam-powered machines, which resulted in new working practices, which in turn brought many social changes. More women and children worked...
Social, Political & Economic Landscapes in Kautilya's Arthashastra
Article by Disha Ray

Social, Political & Economic Landscapes in Kautilya's Arthashastra

The Arthashastra (or Arthaśāstra) is one of the oldest surviving treatises on statecraft. There is considerable debate about the dating and authorship of the text; it underwent compilation, recension, and redaction several times over the...
Augustus' Political, Social, & Moral Reforms
Article by Steven Fife

Augustus' Political, Social, & Moral Reforms

Augustus is well known for being the first Emperor of Rome, but even more than that, for being a self-proclaimed “Restorer of the Republic.” He believed in ancestral values such as monogamy, chastity, and piety (virtue). Thus, he introduced...
Vikings: Jewelry, Weapons & Social Change at The VIKINGR Exhibition
Article by Wanda Marcussen

Vikings: Jewelry, Weapons & Social Change at The VIKINGR Exhibition

In April 2019 The Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, Norway opened its doors to the new exhibition VÍKINGR containing rich treasures and unique archaeological finds from the Viking Age (c. 750 - 1050 CE). The Viking age is considered...