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Viking Expert Breaks Down Famous Viking Movies & TV Shows
Video by Penguin Books UK

Viking Expert Breaks Down Famous Viking Movies & TV Shows

Archaeologist and leading Viking specialist, Neil Price, looks at how Vikings are portrayed in popular films and TV shows.
Historical Accuracy in the Film Agora
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Historical Accuracy in the Film Agora

In 2009, film director Alejandro Amenabar brought the story of Hypatia of Alexandria (c. 370-415 CE) to the screen through the feature film Agora. Years later, the movie continues to draw criticism from Christian writers for its depiction...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Cleopatra VII (l. c. 69-30 BCE, r. 51-30 BCE) was the last ruler of Egypt before it was annexed as a province of Rome. Although arguably the most famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra was actually Greek and a member of the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30...
Ptolemaic Dynasty
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Ptolemaic Dynasty

The Ptolemaic dynasty controlled Egypt for almost three centuries (305-30 BCE), eventually falling to the Romans. Oddly, while they ruled Egypt, they never became Egyptian. Instead, they isolated themselves in the capital city of Alexandria...
Definition by Liana Miate


In Greek mythology, the Giants (Gigantes) are an aggressive race of creatures who were born from Gaia (the Earth) after drops of Uranus' blood fell on the Earth after he was castrated. The Giants had great strength and were fearsome to look...
Definition by Liana Miate


Andromeda is a princess in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Cepheus, the king of Aethiopia (Ethiopia), and his wife, Cassiopeia. The most famous myth associated with Andromeda is the story of her rescue by the Greek hero Perseus, who...
Definition by Liana Miate


Medea is an enchantress and the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis (a city on the coast of the Black Sea). In Greek mythology, she is best known for her relationship with the Greek hero Jason, which is famously told in Greek tragedy playwright...
Definition by Liana Miate


Arachne, from the Greek arákhnē (meaning spider), is a figure in Greek mythology whose talent for weaving was renowned and who famously challenged the goddess Minerva to a weaving competition. As told in Ovid’s (43 BCE-17 CE) Metamorphoses...
Definition by Liana Miate


Thetis is one of 50 Nereids (sea nymphs) and a goddess of the sea in Greek mythology. Thetis is best known for being the mother of the Greek hero Achilles, however, her role goes beyond that; she appears in various stories and interacts with...
Edo Castle
Definition by Graham Squires

Edo Castle

Edo Castle was a large castle built by the Tokugawa family in 17th-century Japan. It served as their seat of government for more than 260 years. After the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Edo became the capital of Japan and was renamed Tokyo. Edo...