Visual Timeline: Sioux

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13000 BCE 12500 BCE 12000 BCE 11500 BCE 11000 BCE 10500 BCE 10000 BCE 9500 BCE 9000 BCE 8500 BCE 8000 BCE 7500 BCE 7000 BCE 6500 BCE 6000 BCE 5500 BCE 5000 BCE 4500 BCE 4000 BCE 3500 BCE 3000 BCE 2500 BCE 2000 BCE 1500 BCE 1000 BCE 500 BCE 0 CE 500 CE 1000 CE 1500 CE  
13000 BCE - 1890 CE: The Sioux nation lives freely in North America.
1700 CE: The Sioux nation has mastered the horse; becomes part of the "Horse Culture" of the Plains Indians.
1854 CE - 1890 CE: The Sioux Wars steadily drive the Sioux nation onto reservations.
1866 CE - 1868 CE: Red Cloud's War.
1873 CE: Red Cloud moves his people to reservation.
1874 CE - 1909 CE: Red Cloud advocates for Sioux rights to the Black Hills and Native American rights.
1876 CE: Cheyenne and Arapaho join with Sioux in the great victory at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
13000 BCE 11000 BCE 9000 BCE 7000 BCE 5000 BCE 3000 BCE 1000 BCE 1000 CE