Visual Timeline: Second Continental Congress

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1770 CE 1780 CE  
1775 CE: The Second Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1775 CE: The Second Continental Congress adopts the Olive Branch Petition in a final attempt at reconciliation with Great Britain.
1775 CE: The Second Continental Congress adopts the Continental Army, names George Washington as commander-in-chief.
1775 CE: The Continental Congress issues $2 million in a new paper currency, called 'Continentals', to fund the Revolution.
1775 CE: The Second Continental Congress votes to establish the Continental Navy.
1776 CE: The Second Continental Congress votes for independence by a large majority.
1776 CE: The Second Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence; the United States of America is established.
1776 CE: The Second Continental Congress is forced to evacuate Philadelphia at the approach of the British army; Washington is granted near dictatorial powers.
1777 CE: Philadelphia is captured by a British army; Congress flees to York, Pennsylvania.
1777 CE: The Second Continental Congress adopts the Articles of Confederation, which are sent to the states for ratification.
1778 CE: The Second Continental Congress ratifies a treaty of alliance with France.
1781 CE: The Articles of Confederation take effect.
1789 CE: The Constitution of the United States goes into effect; the Continental Congress is replaced with the current US Congress.
1770 CE 1780 CE