Visual Timeline: Portuguese Empire

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1400 CE 1500 CE 1600 CE 1700 CE 1800 CE 1900 CE  
1420 CE: The Portuguese colonize the Madeira archipelago.
1439 CE: The Portuguese colonize the Azores archipelago.
1462 CE: The Portuguese colonize the Cape Verde archipelago.
1486 CE: The Portuguese colonize the islands of São Tomé and Principe.
1494 CE: Portugal and Spain sign the Treaty of Tordesillas which divides the world into two spheres of influence.
1497 CE - 1499 CE: The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama sails around the Cape of Good Hope and on to India and back.
1498 CE: Vasco da Gama crosses the Indian Ocean for the first time by sailing from Malindi to Calicut, India.
1500 CE: The Portuguese mariner Pedro Álvares Cabral lands in Brazil.
1502 CE - 1503 CE: Vasco da Gama sails a 15-ship fleet from Portugal to Calicut, India.
1502 CE: The Portuguese establish the first trading station (feitoria) in Brazil north of Rio de Janeiro.
1503 CE: The Portuguese colonize Cochin in western India.
1505 CE - 1961 CE: The Estado da India is in existence, that part of the Portuguese Empire from East Africa to Japan.
1505 CE: The Portuguese begin to attack cities and build forts along the Swahili Coast in order to control trade.
1506 CE: The Portuguese coloinze Mozambique Island.
1510 CE - 1961 CE: Goa on the west coast of india is a Portuguese colony.
1510 CE: Afonso de Albuquerque conquers Goa in India for Portugal.
1511 CE: Afonso de Albuquerque captures Malacca in Malaysia for Portugal.
1511 CE - 1641 CE: Malacca in Malaysia is a Portuguese colony.
1515 CE: Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf is colonized by the Portuguese.
1518 CE: The Portuguese establish a fort at Colombo, Sri Lanka.
1519 CE - 1522 CE: Ferdinand Magellan's expedition circumnavigates the globe for the first time.
1519 CE: The Portuguese establish a fort at Kollam in India.
1521 CE: The Portuguese establish a fort at Chaul in India.
1524 CE: Vasco da Gama sails om his third voyage from Portugal to India.
1530 CE: Portuguese Goa replaces Cochin as the capital of the Estado da India.
1532 CE: The first Portuguese settlement in Brazil is founded at São Vicente.
1533 CE: A papal bull establishes the archdiocese of the Estado da India.
1533 CE - 1539 CE: The first sugar plantations are established in Portuguese Brazil at Pernambuco, Sâo Vicente and Rio.
1543 CE: Three Portuguese mariners accidentally land in Japan, the first Europeans to do so.
1546 CE: The Portuguese establish a formidable fortress on Mozambique Island.
1549 CE: Brazil is made a Crown colony of the Portuguese empire.
1560 CE: Portuguese Goa has it first archbishop appointed.
1567 CE: The French colony of France Antarctique in Guanabara Bay, Brazil is taken over by the Portuguese.
1571 CE - 1639 CE: The Portuguese control the port of Nagasaki in Japan.
1571 CE: The Japanese daimyo Omura Sumitada grants the Portuguese control of Nagasaki.
1571 CE: Foundation of the colony of Portuguese Angola.
1572 CE: The Portuguese Crown establishes a viceroy in Portuguese Brazil.
1575 CE: The Crown appoints a governor of Portuguese Angola.
1576 CE: Luanda on the coast of Portuguese Angola is founded. It will be the capital and a major hub of the Atlantic slave trade.
1596 CE: The Dutch arrive in Southeast Asia and challenge the Portuguese and their empire.
1603 CE: Dutch forces attack Portuguese Goa.
1604 CE: A Council of State is established at Portuguese Goa.
1610 CE: Dutch forces once again attack Portuguese Goa.
1616 CE: The Dutch attack Portuguese Malacca for the first time.
1621 CE: The Portuguese, with help from the Jaga, force the king of Ndongo to flee his kingdom in Portuguese Angola.
1622 CE: The Persians, with English assistance, take control of Hormuz from the Portuguese.
1624 CE: The Dutch capture Salvador in Portuguese Brazil.
1629 CE: The Dutch attack Portuguese Malacca for a second time.
1630 CE: The Dutch capture Olinda and Recife in Portuguese Brazil.
1632 CE: The Dutch capture Pernambuco in Portuguese Brazil.
1633 CE: The Portuguese conquer the southern African kingdom of Mutapa.
1637 CE - 1638 CE: The Shimabara Rebellion in Japan, which the shogunate blames on Christians, leading to an expulsion of all Europeans.
1638 CE - 1644 CE: Dutch forces attempt to blockade Portuguese Goa.
1640 CE - 1668 CE: Spain is at war with Portugal.
1641 CE: The Dutch attack and take over Portuguese Malacca.
1641 CE: A Dutch force takes over Luanda, capital of Portuguese Angola.
1648 CE: A military froce from Portuguese Brazil recaptures Luanda, the capital of Portuguese Angola, from Dutch control.
1654 CE: Portuguese Brazil regains control of those parts of the colony taken over by the Dutch.
1656 CE - 1663 CE: Dutch forces attempt to blockade Portuguese Goa for a second time. The blockade ends with a peace treaty.
1656 CE: The Dutch attack and take over Portuguese Colombo.
1663 CE: The Dutch attack and take over Portuguese Cochin.
1663 CE: A peace treaty is agreed between Portugal and the Netherlands regarding Portuguese Brazil.
1665 CE: An alliance of Angolan tribes and the Portuguese defeat the Kingdom of Kongo at the Battle of Mbwila.
1670 CE: A Portuguese force is defeated by the Kingdom of Kongo at Soyo.
1676 CE: The first bishop is appointed at Luanda, capital of Portuguese Angola.
1683 CE: A peace treaty is agreed between the Portuguese and the Matamba kingdom in Portuguese Angola. This ends the Angolan Wars.
1711 CE: French forces briefly take over Rio de Janeiro in Portuguese Brazil.
1755 CE: Amerindians in Portuguese Brazil are recognised as full and free subjects of the Portuguese Crown.
1763 CE: Rio de Janeiro is made sole capital of Portuguese Brazil.
1799 CE - 1815 CE: Portuguese Goa is occupied by the British during the Napoleonic Wars.
1808 CE: Fearing for its safety, the Portuguese monarchy relocates to Portuguese Brazil.
1822 CE: Brazil declares independence form Portugal.
1853 CE: Brazil porhibits the importation of slaves, ending the slave trade from Portuguese Angola.
1902 CE - 1915 CE: A series of rebellions within Portuguese Angola are put down.
1951 CE: Angola becomes an Overseas Province of Portugal.
1961 CE: Portuguese Goa is invaded by the Indian military.
1975 CE: Angola gains independence from Portugal.
1999 CE: Portuguese Macao is handed over to China.
1400 CE 1500 CE 1600 CE 1700 CE 1800 CE 1900 CE