Visual Timeline: Plains Indians

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11000 BCE 10500 BCE 10000 BCE 9500 BCE 9000 BCE 8500 BCE 8000 BCE 7500 BCE 7000 BCE 6500 BCE 6000 BCE 5500 BCE 5000 BCE 4500 BCE 4000 BCE 3500 BCE 3000 BCE 2500 BCE 2000 BCE 1500 BCE 1000 BCE 500 BCE 0 CE 500 CE 1000 CE 1500 CE  
11000 BCE - 13000 BCE: Plains Indians inhabit the Plains and Prairies of North America.
700 CE - 900 CE: Plains Indians first begin cultivating corn (maize) and establish permanent settlements.
1700 CE - 1825 CE: Cheyenne have mastered the horse and become one of the most powerful Plains Indians nations of the west.
1837 CE: Smallpox epidemic devastates Plains Indians.
1890 CE: Wounded Knee Massacre kills over 250 Sioux men, women, and children, ending the Indian Wars of the Plains.
11000 BCE 9000 BCE 7000 BCE 5000 BCE 3000 BCE 1000 BCE 1000 CE