Visual Timeline: Jeremy Bentham

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1740 CE 1750 CE 1760 CE 1770 CE 1780 CE 1790 CE 1800 CE 1810 CE 1820 CE 1830 CE  
1748 CE - 1832 CE: Life of the English philosopher and founder of utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham.
1748 CE: Jeremy Bentham is born in Spitalfields in London.
1776 CE: Jeremy Bentham publishes his A Fragment on Government.
1787 CE: Jeremy Bentham publishes his A Defence of Usury.
1789 CE: Jeremy Bentham publishes his thoughts on utilitarianism in his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation.
1791 CE: Jeremy Bentham publishes his Panopticon.
1800 CE: Jeremy Bentham publishes his Manual of Political Economy.
1823 CE: Jeremy Bentham founds the Westminster Review.
1832 CE: Jeremy Bentham dies in London.
1740 CE 1750 CE 1760 CE 1770 CE 1780 CE 1790 CE 1800 CE 1810 CE 1820 CE