Visual Timeline: Doctrine of Discovery

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1450 CE 1460 CE 1470 CE 1480 CE 1490 CE 1500 CE 1510 CE 1520 CE 1530 CE 1540 CE 1550 CE 1560 CE 1570 CE 1580 CE 1590 CE 1600 CE 1610 CE 1620 CE 1630 CE 1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE 1680 CE 1690 CE 1700 CE 1710 CE 1720 CE 1730 CE 1740 CE 1750 CE 1760 CE 1770 CE 1780 CE 1790 CE 1800 CE 1810 CE 1820 CE  
1452 CE: First appearance of the Doctrine of Discovery in the papal bull Dum Diversas legitimizing the appropriation of non-Christians' lands and their enslavement.
1493 CE: Best-known articulation of the Doctrine of Discovery issued after Columbus' first expedition to the Americas.
1792 CE: Thomas Jefferson invokes the Doctrine of Discovery in justifying the appropriation of Native American lands.
1823 CE: The Doctrine of Discovery enters United States municipal law through the court case of Johnson v. McIntosh.
1450 CE 1490 CE 1530 CE 1570 CE 1610 CE 1650 CE 1690 CE 1730 CE 1770 CE