Visual Timeline: Boston Massacre

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1760 CE 1770 CE  
1768 CE: The Liberty, a sloop owned by Boston merchant John Hancock, is seized by British officials leading to widespread riots in Boston.
1768 CE: British soldiers arrive in Boston in the wake of several riots.
1770 CE: In Boston, 11-year-old Christopher Seider is shot and killed by Ebenezer Richardson, a Loyalist.
1770 CE: The Boston Massacre occurs; nine British soldiers fire into a crowd of American colonists, killing five and wounding six others.
1770 CE: Captain Thomas Preston is acquitted by a Boston jury for his role in the Boston Massacre.
1770 CE: Trial of the eight British soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre. Defended by John Adams, six soldiers are acquitted and two found guilty of manslaughter.
1760 CE