Visual Timeline: Baruch Spinoza

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1630 CE 1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE  
1632 CE - 1677 CE: Life of the philosopher Baruch Spinoza.
1632 CE: Baruch Spinoza is born in Amsterdam.
1656 CE: Baruch Spinoza is excommunicated by the Jewish community in Amsterdam.
1663 CE: Baruch Spinoza publishes his Principles of Descartes' Philosophy and Metaphysical Thoughts.
1670 CE: Baruch Spinoza publishes his Tractatus theologica-politicus.
1677 CE: Ethics by Baruch Spinoza is published.
1677 CE: Baruch Spinoza dies in The Hague.
1630 CE 1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE