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BBC History Magazine - The Siege of Rochester Castle, 1215
Video by historyextra

BBC History Magazine - The Siege of Rochester Castle, 1215

In light of the release of the film Ironclad, BBC History Magazine visited Rochester Castle to see what evidence remains of the siege today.
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Sioux are a native North American nation who inhabited the Great Plains region of, roughly, modern Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. They are one of the many nations referred to as Plains Indians who...
Ten Juneteenth Myths
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Juneteenth Myths

The celebration of Juneteenth – originally known as "Freedom Day" – began on 1 January 1866 in Texas and, since then, a number of myths have grown up around the event it commemorates: the issuance of General Order No. 3 in Galveston Texas...
Definition by Kim Martins


Menehune is the term applied to short-statured, forest-dwelling creatures of Hawaiian mythology and is part of a common mythology throughout Polynesia that describes secretive, supernatural beings with human-like attributes. Mysterious supernatural...
Stamp Act
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Stamp Act

The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first direct tax imposed on the 13 American colonies by the Parliament of Great Britain. It required the colonists to pay a tax on all printed materials including newspapers, legal documents, magazines, and playing...
Western Astrology
Definition by Arienne King

Western Astrology

Western astrology refers to a form of divination based on the motion of astronomical objects such as stars or planets. The belief that astronomical objects are divine or influence events on Earth is found in many cultures, but the practices...
4 Women of the French Revolution
Article by Harrison W. Mark

4 Women of the French Revolution

The French Revolution (1789-1799) sought to dismantle the oppressive society of the old regime and build a new world based on the principles of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". This push for societal change led to a burgeoning feminist movement...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Agni is the Hindu god of fire. He is regarded as the friend and protector of humanity, in particular, he safeguards the home. Various forms of fire are associated with Agni and include the sun, lightning, comets, sacrificial fire, domestic...
Scythian Religion
Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Scythian Religion

Scythian religion appears to be an amalgam of belief in a pantheon of gods grafted to more ancient animal reverence and shamanistic practice. According to their burial finds, the Scythians appear to have had a deep affinity with the animals...
Parthian Culture
Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Parthian Culture

Stretching between China and India in the east to the Mediterranean in the west, Parthia ruled over one of the widest expanses of empire in its time and Parthian culture flourished for 500 years (247 BCE to 224 CE). While known for their...