Search Results: Jeremiah curtin


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Definition by Rebecca Denova


Jeremiah (c. 650-570 BCE) was a major prophet of Israel in the Hebrew Bible. In addition to his book of prophecy, he is also credited with writing the Books of Kings and Lamentations (perhaps written by his scribe, Baruch). Called to prophecy...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Astarte is the Canaanite/Phoenician goddess of love, sex, war, and hunting who developed from the Mesopotamian deity Inanna/Ishtar. She is usually associated with the storm god Baal but seems to have been much more popular. She traveled to...
Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem
Image by Rembrandt

Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem

Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem, oil on oak wood painting by Rembrandt, c. 1630. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Image by Michelangelo


Prophet Jeremiah, fresco by Michelangelo, 1508-1512. Sistine Chapel ceiling, Rome.
Ark of the Covenant
Definition by Rebecca Denova

Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant refers to the box-like container that held the tablets of the Law received by Moses on Mount Sinai. Tradition claimed that it contained two stone tablets, carved by God, listing the first ten commandments given to...
Jesus & the Law of Moses
Article by Rebecca Denova

Jesus & the Law of Moses

New Testament studies now place Jesus Christ within the parameters of Second Temple Judaism in the 1st century CE, attempting to go behind the layers of later Christian theology and philosophy (such as the trinity) to understand how his message...
Definition by Rebecca Denova


The Sadducees were part of the upper-class aristocrats and provided much of the priesthood, categorized through the lineage of priestly houses. They served on the Sanhedrin, the city council that organized law courts and regulations, which...
Swahili Coast
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Swahili Coast

The Swahili Coast on the shores of East Africa was a region where Africans and Arabs mixed to create a unique identity from the 8th century called Swahili Culture. Swahili is the name of their language and means 'people of the coast.' The...
Kingdom of Abyssinia
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Kingdom of Abyssinia

The Kingdom of Abyssinia was founded in the 13th century CE and, transforming itself into the Ethiopian Empire via a series of military conquests, lasted until the 20th century CE. It was established by the kings of the Solomonid dynasty...
Hubmaier's Concerning Heretics and Those Who Burn Them
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Hubmaier's Concerning Heretics and Those Who Burn Them

Balthasar Hubmaier (l. 1480-1528) was a Catholic theologian who converted to the Protestant Anabaptist sect in 1525. His Concerning Heretics and Those Who Burn Them (1524) was a plea for religious tolerance written prior to his conversion...