Search Results: Jean macintosh turfa


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Stamp Act
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Stamp Act

The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first direct tax imposed on the 13 American colonies by the Parliament of Great Britain. It required the colonists to pay a tax on all printed materials including newspapers, legal documents, magazines, and playing...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was a Swiss philosopher whose work both praised and criticised the Enlightenment movement. Although a believer in the power of reason, science, and the arts, Rousseau was convinced that a flourishing culture...
Jean Sibelius
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Jean Sibelius

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) was a Finnish composer famous for his symphonies, the symphonic poem Finlandia, and the Karelia Suite. Although Sibelius inspired a music revival in his native country, became a figurehead for the Finnish nationalist...
Jean Lafitte
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Jean Lafitte

Jean Lafitte (also spelt Laffite, c. 1780 to c. 1820 CE) was a Franco-American leader of pirates and privateers who captured merchant vessels of various states in the Gulf of Mexico from 1810 to 1820. Lafitte proved an invaluable ally for...
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Jean-Baptiste Jourdan

Jean-Baptiste Jourdan (1762-1833) was a French general who held significant commands in the French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802) and the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). He won a major victory for the French Republic at the Battle of Fleurus...
Jean-François de Surville
Image by Unknown

Jean-François de Surville

Jean-François de Surville (1717-1770) was a French explorer and merchant captain. He sailed with the French India Company before serving in the French navy during the Seven Years' War (1756–1763). In 1767, he commanded the French ship St...
Diogenes by Jean-Leon Gerome
Image by Wikipedia User: Singinglemon

Diogenes by Jean-Leon Gerome

Diogenes sitting in his tub. Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1860 CE)
The Route of the St Jean Baptiste and the Endeavour around the North Cape of New Zealand
Image by Goran tek-en,

The Route of the St Jean Baptiste and the Endeavour around the North Cape of New Zealand

The route of the St Jean Baptiste and Captain James Cook's Endeavour around the North Cape of New Zealand in December 1769.
Jean Lannes
Image by Julie Volpelière after an original by Antoine-François Gérard

Jean Lannes

Jean Lannes (1769-1809), 1st Duke of Montebello, a marshal of the French Empire during the Napoleonic Wars. Oil on canvas portrait painting by Julie Volpelière after an original by Antoine-François Gérard, 1834. In the Musée de l'Armée...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Portrait
Image by Maurice Quentin de La Tour 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Portrait

A pastel portrait by Maurice Quentin de La Tour of the Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). (Musée Antoine-Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin, France)