Search Results: Hunting fishing outdoors nature books


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State of Nature
Definition by Mark Cartwright

State of Nature

The state of nature is an idea which became especially popular with certain philosophers during the Enlightenment, notably Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), John Locke (1632-1704), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). It refers to a state of existence...
Index of Prohibited Books
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Index of Prohibited Books

The Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) was a list of written works condemned as heretical or injurious to the Christian faith by the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent in 1563. It remained in effect until 1966 when...
Gorgias' On Nature (On the Non-Existent)
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Gorgias' On Nature (On the Non-Existent)

Gorgias of Leontini (l. c. 427 BCE) was a famous Greek Sophist who claimed that nothing exists and, even if it does, its nature cannot be understood and, even if it could be, one is not able to communicate that understanding to another person...
12 Best Historical Fiction Books to Read
Article by Kim Martins

12 Best Historical Fiction Books to Read

The AHE team live and breathe history, but we all have our favourite historical periods and authors. We thought it would be fun for each of us to nominate one or two books that we would recommend for the general reader as well as high school...
Fishing by Manet
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Fishing by Manet

A c. 1862 oil on canvas painting, Fishing, by Edouard Manet (1832-83), the French modernist painter. The couple on the right is the artist and his then mistress Suzanne Leenhoff. The work shows the artist's interest in painters like Peter...
Title Page, Treatise of Human Nature
Image by Sotheby's

Title Page, Treatise of Human Nature

The title page of Treatise on Human Nature by the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776). A key text of the Enlightenment, it was first published in 1740. The quote from Tacitus reads: "It is the rare happiness of these days that one...
The Nerge: Hunting in the Mongol Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Nerge: Hunting in the Mongol Empire

The peoples of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) were nomadic, and they relied on hunting wild game as a valuable source of protein. The Asian steppe is a desolate, windy, and often bitterly cold environment, but for those Mongols with sufficient...
Viking Iron Fishing Hooks
Image by James Blake Wiener

Viking Iron Fishing Hooks

The Vikings did not use fishing reels or poles. Instead, they tied hooks to a fishing line made from sheep, cow, or walrus intestines, then pulled the fish up by hand. On a small rowing boat out on the open ocean, this was a very dangerous...
Pages from Serlio's Seven Books on Architecture
Image by François de Dijon

Pages from Serlio's Seven Books on Architecture

Pages from 'Seven Books on Architecture' by the Italian Renaissance architect Sebastiano Serlio (c. 1475-1554 CE). 1551-1554 CE. (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich)
Index of Prohibited Books
Image by Drw1

Index of Prohibited Books

Title page of the Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum), published in Rome, 1711. National Library of Slovenia, Ljubljana.