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William Wallace
Definition by Mark Cartwright

William Wallace

Sir William Wallace (c. 1270-1305) was a Scottish knight and national hero who fought for his country's independence from England. Wallace famously led the Scots to victory against a larger English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in...
Monsters & Heroes of Scotland: Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Monsters & Heroes of Scotland: Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness

Loch Ness is one of the most beautiful lakes in Scotland and no one needs the attraction of the mythical monster to enjoy a visit. The majestic ruins of Urquhart Castle and scenic landscape should be enough of a draw – but there is also the...
Parson's Cause
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Parson's Cause

The Parson's Cause was a legal and political controversy that arose in the British colony of Virginia in the early 1760s. In response to the royal veto of the Two Penny Act, a policy passed by Virginia's House of Burgesses, a young lawyer...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Confucianism is a philosophy developed in 6th-century BCE China, which is considered by some a secular-humanist belief system, by some a religion, and by others a social code. The broad range of subjects touched on by Confucianism lends itself...
Robert the Bruce
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Robert the Bruce

Robert I of Scotland, better known as Robert the Bruce, reigned as King of Scotland from 1306 to 1329 CE. For his role in achieving independence from England, Robert the Bruce has long been regarded as a national hero and one of Scotland's...
Sir William Wallace
Image by Kjetil Bjørnsrud

Sir William Wallace

A statue of Sir William Wallace (c. 1270-1305 CE), a Scottish knight and national hero who fought for his country’s independence from England. (Edinburgh Castle)
Patrick Henry Arguing the Parson's Cause
Image by George Cooke

Patrick Henry Arguing the Parson's Cause

Patrick Henry as a young lawyer arguing the Parson's Cause. Oil on canvas by George Cooke, c. 1834. Virginia Historical Society, Richmond.
William Wallace Statue, Aberdeen
Image by Axis12002

William Wallace Statue, Aberdeen

A statue of the Scottish national hero William Wallace (c. 1270-1305) in Aberdeen. Sculpted by William Grant Stevenson c. 1888.
Sir William Wallace
Image by The British Museum

Sir William Wallace

Etching depicting Sir William Wallace (c. 1270-1305 CE) who was a Scottish knight and national hero who fought for his country’s independence from England. (From Smollett's "History of England", 1757 CE)
Debunking the Myth of the Lost Cause: A Lie Embedded in American History - Karen L. Cox
Video by TED-Ed

Debunking the Myth of the Lost Cause: A Lie Embedded in American History - Karen L. Cox

Examine the myth of the Lost Cause: a campaign created by pro-Confederates after the Civil War to promote the lie that they seceded for state's rights. In the 1860’s, 11 southern states withdrew from the United States and formed the Confederacy...