Search Results: First second apologies justin martyr


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Definition by Rebecca Denova


A martyr is someone who voluntarily dies for either a religious or secular cause. The word originates from "witness" in Greek and is related to a witness in court testifying to one's beliefs or truth, despite the risk involved. As such, it...
Martyr's Mirror
Image by Unknown Author

Martyr's Mirror

Martyr's Mirror, German edition printed by Ephrata in Pennsylvania in 1784.
Second Dynasty of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Second Dynasty of Egypt

The Second Dynasty of Egypt (c. 2890 - c. 2670 BCE) rose from the turmoil which ended the first and was marked by uprisings (or, at least, internal difficulties) throughout. The precise cause of this civil unrest is unclear as sources for...
Second Crusade
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Second Crusade

The Second Crusade (1147-1149 CE) was a military campaign organised by the Pope and European nobles to recapture the city of Edessa in Mesopotamia which had fallen in 1144 CE to the Muslim Seljuk Turks. Despite an army of 60,000 and the presence...
Second Intermediate Period of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Second Intermediate Period of Egypt

The Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782 - c.1570 BCE) is the era following the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2040-1782 BCE) and preceding the New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE). As with all historical designations of the eras of Egyptian history, the...
Second Punic War
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Second Punic War

The Second Punic War (The Hannibalic War) was fought between Carthage and Rome between 218 and 201 BCE. The war involved confrontations in Spain, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and North Africa. Hannibal led the Carthaginians, one of the most gifted...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Flavius Belisarius (l. 505-565 CE) was born in Illyria (the western part of the Balkan Peninsula) to poor parents and rose to become one of the greatest generals, if not the greatest, of the Byzantine Empire. Belisarius is listed among the...
Joan of Arc: Martyr and a Patron Saint of France
Video by Kelly Macquire

Joan of Arc: Martyr and a Patron Saint of France

Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) was born in c. 1412 to a peasant farmer in Domremy in Medieval France, but at only 13 years old she received a vision that she should lead the French to victory over the English in the Hundred Years War. Eventually...
Second Triumvirate
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Second Triumvirate

The Second Triumvirate was a political association of convenience between three of Rome's most powerful figures: Mark Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian in the 1st century BCE. Following the assassination of Julius Caesar the three vowed revenge...
War of the Second Coalition
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

War of the Second Coalition

The War of the Second Coalition (1798-1802), part of the broader French Revolutionary Wars, was the second attempt by an alliance of major European powers to defeat Revolutionary France. The Second Coalition, which included Russia, Austria...