Search Results: Evie woods


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Celtic Art in Woods by Ailwee Caves, County Clare, Ireland
Image by Betsy Mark

Celtic Art in Woods by Ailwee Caves, County Clare, Ireland

One of the many wooden figures and other objects depicting Celtic figures or motifs in the woods surrounding Ailwee Caves, County Clare, Ireland.
The Hunters Enter the Woods, Unicorn Tapestries
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Hunters Enter the Woods, Unicorn Tapestries

"The Hunters Enter the Woods" is one of seven tapestries in the "Unicorn Tapestries" group. These allegorical tapestries depict the hunting of a unicorn, a mythological animal common to European folklore. "The Hunters Enter the Woods" depicts...
Battle of Guilford Court House
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Guilford Court House

The Battle of Guilford Court House (15 March 1781) was one of the last major engagements of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Fought near Greensboro, North Carolina, it was a pyrrhic victory for the British army under Lord Charles...
Tacitus' Account of The Battle of Mons Graupius
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Tacitus' Account of The Battle of Mons Graupius

The Battle of Mons Graupius was fought in 83 CE between the invading forces of Rome, under the general Agricola, and the Picts, the indigenous people of modern-day Scotland, under their leader Calgacus. The only account of the battle is found...
Interview: The Werewolf in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: The Werewolf in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia is talking to author Daniel Ogden about his new book The Werewolf in the Ancient World. Daniel Ogden (Author): Thank you for inviting me! Kelly (WHE): Of course, we are very excited to have...
Ten Native American Legendary Creatures You Need to Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Native American Legendary Creatures You Need to Know

Native American lore features many legendary creatures and supernatural entities that were understood as beneficial to humanity but just as many that posed serious threats to be avoided. These beings, although frightening, often served an...
Battle of Monmouth
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Monmouth

The Battle of Monmouth (28 June 1778), or the Battle of Monmouth Court House, was the last battle of the Philadelphia Campaign during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). After abandoning control of Philadelphia, the British army under...
How the Rabbit Lost His Tail
Article by Joshua J. Mark

How the Rabbit Lost His Tail

How the Rabbit Lost His Tail is a Sioux legend, part origin myth and part didactic tale, explaining why the rabbit looks as it does, why the owl is a night bird, and how one should treat a member of one’s family and also one’s community...
The Origin of Game and Corn
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Origin of Game and Corn

The Origin of Game and Corn is a Cherokee origin myth explaining how wild game first began to run free and corn came to be cultivated. The central figures of Kenati (also given as Kana'ti) and Selu are the embodiment of the Lucky Hunter and...
Total War History: Battle of Cannae (Part 2/5)
Video by THFE Productions

Total War History: Battle of Cannae (Part 2/5)

Hannibal has shattered every Roman army in his path. In response the senate summoned a monster to slay the Punic foe. The beast they called upon would be the largest combined force ever assembled by Rome so far. The equivalent of 16 legions...