Search Results: Egyptian myths guide ancient legends


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Visiting Glastonbury - the Town of Myths & Legends
Article by Wanda Marcussen

Visiting Glastonbury - the Town of Myths & Legends

The Somerset Levels is an area of the British Isles that captivates visitors with its stunning natural landscape and historical sites and monuments. Glastonbury is famous for its apple orchards and music festival. It is one of the most visited...
Myths and Legends of the Sioux. By Marie L. Mclaughlin. FULL Audiobook
Video by Audiobooks. Full length, free

Myths and Legends of the Sioux. By Marie L. Mclaughlin. FULL Audiobook

Myths and Legends of the Sioux. By Marie L. Mclaughlin. Full Audiobook "Myths and Legends of the Sioux" is a collection of stories that are deeply rooted in the indigenous culture of the Sioux tribe. The book is authored by Marie L. McLaughlin...
Cheyenne Legends of the Buffalo
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cheyenne Legends of the Buffalo

Two popular Cheyenne legends are the Origin of the Buffalo and How the Buffalo Hunt Began (also known as The Great Race), both dealing with the importance of the North American bison to the Cheyenne nation. Like others of the Plains Indians...
Legends of the Rollright Stones, Oxfordshire
Article by Brian Haughton

Legends of the Rollright Stones, Oxfordshire

The Rollright Stones is the collective name for a group of enigmatic prehistoric monuments located next to an ancient ridgeway known as the Jurassic Way, on the border between the English counties of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire. The name...
Ten Juneteenth Myths
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Juneteenth Myths

The celebration of Juneteenth – originally known as "Freedom Day" – began on 1 January 1866 in Texas and, since then, a number of myths have grown up around the event it commemorates: the issuance of General Order No. 3 in Galveston Texas...
Norse Mythology: an Introduction to the Norse Gods, Goddesses, Myths and Legends
Video by Kelly Macquire

Norse Mythology: an Introduction to the Norse Gods, Goddesses, Myths and Legends

Norse mythology was the belief of the people of Scandinavia around the Viking age between around 790 and 1100 CE. It consisted of cosmology or story of the beginning of the universe, nine realms of the world tree Yggdrasil and the end of...
Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand
Definition by Kim Martins

Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand

The cascading geothermal pink and white terraces of Aotearoa New Zealand were often referred to internationally and within New Zealand as the eighth wonder of the world. They were a famous tourist attraction in the 19th century until the...
Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide
Article by Carole Raddato

Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide

Lying at the crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean, the island of Cyprus has long been a meeting point for many of the world's great civilizations. Situated where Europe, Asia and Africa meet, its location shaped its history of bringing...
A Visitor's Guide to Oplontis, Stabiae & Boscoreale
Article by Carole Raddato

A Visitor's Guide to Oplontis, Stabiae & Boscoreale

More than 2,000 years ago, extremely wealthy Romans lived on the sunny shores of the Bay of Naples at Pompeii and in opulent villas nearby, unconcerned about Mount Vesuvius in the distance. Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE), Augustus (r. 27 BCE...
Visual Guide to Ancient Egyptian Gods
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Visual Guide to Ancient Egyptian Gods

This image gallery is a visual guide to the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. It includes depictions of many of Egypt's more iconic and widely worshipped deities, along with brief descriptions of their roles in Egyptian religion. Each...