Search Results: Clothing shoes jewelry


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Viking Hygiene, Clothing, & Jewelry
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Viking Hygiene, Clothing, & Jewelry

Although the Vikings are routinely depicted as rough, grimy, and violent, they were actually quite refined, took personal hygiene seriously, and wore fine clothes ornamented by jewelry. Some Christian chroniclers who condemned the Vikings...
Ancient Greek Clothing
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Greek Clothing

Ancient Greek clothing developed from the Minoan Civilization of Crete (2000-1450 BCE) through the Mycenean Civilization (1700-1100 BCE), Archaic Period (8th century to c. 480 BCE) and is most recognizable from the Classical Period (c. 480-323...
Etruscan Clothing
Article by Mark Cartwright

Etruscan Clothing

The clothing of the ancient Etruscans, a civilization which flourished in central Italy between the 8th and 3rd century BCE, can be seen in many media of their art including wall paintings, bronze sculpture, stone relief carvings, and painted...
Vikings: Jewelry, Weapons & Social Change at The VIKINGR Exhibition
Article by Wanda Marcussen

Vikings: Jewelry, Weapons & Social Change at The VIKINGR Exhibition

In April 2019 The Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, Norway opened its doors to the new exhibition VÍKINGR containing rich treasures and unique archaeological finds from the Viking Age (c. 750 - 1050 CE). The Viking age is considered...
Pirate Clothing in the Golden Age of Piracy
Article by Mark Cartwright

Pirate Clothing in the Golden Age of Piracy

Pirates have gained a reputation for wearing bright and distinctive clothing and accessories during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730) even if, in reality, most of what we think they wore comes from works of fiction like Robert Louis Stevenson’s...
Clothing in the Mongol Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

Clothing in the Mongol Empire

The clothing worn by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th century CE, like most other aspects of their culture, reflected their nomadic lifestyle in the often harsh climate of the Asian steppe. Typical items included felt hats, long jackets with...
Fashion & Dress in Ancient Mesopotamia
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Fashion & Dress in Ancient Mesopotamia

Fashion and dress in Mesopotamia – clothing, footwear, and accessories – was not only functional but defined one's social status and developed from a simple loincloth in the Ubaid Period (c. 5000-4100 BCE) to brightly colored robes and dresses...
Shoes Detail, Tombs of Qizqapan
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Shoes Detail, Tombs of Qizqapan

Detail of the relief carved at the façade of the rock-cut tombs of Ashkawt-i Qizqapan (Kurdish: The Cave of the Ravisher or the Cave of the Raped/Abducted Girl). The lower legs of the man who stands on the left side appear here. He wears...
Golden Shoes of Hochdorf
Image by Xuan Che

Golden Shoes of Hochdorf

A pair of thin, embossed gold coverings, which decorated the shoes of the chieftain buried at Hochdorf around 530 BCE. Bern Historical Museum, Switzerland. The burial mound at Hochdorf is associated with the Hallstatt Culture and is...
Byzantine Egyptian Shoes
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Byzantine Egyptian Shoes

Dating between the 4th-7th centuries CE, these shoes feature gilded leather. Found near Panopolis (now Akhmim, Egypt). They measure 23.5 cm in length (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).